Thursday, September 24, 2015

Today we felt lots of animal pelts (animal skins).  We felt mink (it was really soft),  rabbit, blue wolf, beaver, red wolf, raccoon, ferret, marmot (looks like a beaver), possum, hare, Dutch rabbit, Manchurian lamb (funny name!) and sheep wool. Most people like the mink because it was fluffy and warm and cuddly.


  1. Hi Room 5,
    What a lot of different animals. Trixie
    Where did the animal pelts come from? Scarlett N and Georgia
    Were they very cuddly and very soft? India
    What does a blue wolf pelt look like? Immy
    I like the animals you got. William

  2. Scarlett and Georgia: Kate's Granddad had them and he used to use them to make fishing flies.
    India: yes, they were very soft and cuddly.
    Immy: it was furry. It looked more white and wasn't really blue but it had a blue tinge to it.

  3. Great blog Room 5! I'm adding it to my Feedly so I don't miss any more of your interesting news :)
